Wednesday, August 19, 2015

girls is the best show on television.

i want you to read this and tell me we can't be friends anymore.
should i call your phone.

wo w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

i'm getting sad about matt
i sit here when i'm digesting.

i want you to

come in our thigh crease

i want a cushion

what if....i'm not really crushing it?

this is the last week of summer of my life. i want to sleep all day and call my pets different racial slurs.

this is my almost 14th celibate month. a penile implement has not been in my vajina in 13 months and 27 days. i don't even know how to talk talk sex.

i'm starving


fuckin hot

i suck and no one

you don't know how to have a conversation with me,

i'm the child.

thank you! what do you mean...?

retain enough insecurity to be vulnerable.

yesterday we went to the lake and i forgot it wasnt a date. we took off our clothes and i was nervous and you were nervous. i didn't want to finish unbuttoning my shirt over my bathing suit. the american apparel suit i was wearing makes me look more naked then when i'm actually naked. the sides were so high cut; a sliver of my actual literal vagina (pubic mound) was permanently 'exposed'.

i forgot after a while but then i felt our heads buoy up at the same time and it was raining and i can't believe i don't have more to say about this. i felt myself wanting you and you feeling sort of kind of the same.

is that really what computers used to look like
i dont want people reading my ideas
get in the front seat
oh darling,

help me with something.